
Flourish Coaching Company

Considering medical school? Great advice from an advisor who's helped students get in!

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Something from Lisa

I recently interviewed Luisa Rabe who has helped nearly 1,000 students get admitted to medical school. She provides great insight into what high school and college students can be doing to get clear on IF this is a good fit for them as well as what to pursue early to increase their chances at acceptance.

If your student has considered any health related field, you won't want to miss her valuable insights.

Watch or listen to our interview on the path to medical school here.

A Curated Resource

Inside Higher Ed and College Pulse surveyed 2,000 college students on the effects of Covid-19 on their choices and experiences.

Of the 600 student not attending their first-choice college, 21% would not enroll again. Their top 3 reasons are:

  1. Unhappy with academic program or intended field (22%)
  2. Cost is too high (19%)
  3. Don't like campus life (19%)

Both #1 and #2 - choice of major and cost - align with what parents tell me when they join my free Facebook Community where we talk about these topics every day. Feel free to join our conversation.

This survey is accompanied by a great infographic that will help inform you of what to be sure to address in the college bound journey to have better outcomes.

Conversation Cue to Use With Your Child

Borrowing this one from Julie Lythcott-Haims, former Stanford dean working with freshman - so she's an expert we want to listen to, right?
This is all about VULNERABILITY our kids even know what that means?
Ask...."Can you think of a time when someone opened up and got vulnerable and it made you admire them more? Without violating that person’s privacy, tell me what they shared and what made you admire them for it."

Many of you joined my free webinars in September - we had a blast while demystifying choosing college majors. Even if you didn't join my Launch course this round, you're still my people and I'm so glad you're here. Let's keep rich conversations going as we help guide our kids to a flourishing future.

My Best Always, Lisa


Flourish Coaching Company

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